Heather Jeffery

writer, Speaker, & Advocate for the spiritually oppressed

My goal is to share hope and encouragement with others as they navigate difficulty by redirecting focus from circumstances onto God’s truth and promises.


Life after abuse

I have learned how to thrive after narcissistic abuse and desire to help other women in their recovery journey as a narcissistic abuse mentor to empower women as they redirect their lives armed with Biblical truth.

learn more about heather

I am a Christian writer, speaker, and mentor, dedicated to empowering women with Biblical truth as I support them in their quest for clarity. As a certified abuse and trauma recovery coach, I bring a unique perspective to my work, having walked the challenging journey of emotional and spiritual abuse myself. I understand the importance of linking arms with fellow women, as together we seek healing and transformation.

As an encourager by nature, my passion lies in uplifting women facing difficult circumstances. Together, we embark on a journey to uncover and apply truth, rediscovering what it means to truly live in the freedom of Christ and shed the bondage that weighs us down. Whether it’s the chains of a destructive marriage or the burden of shame following a divorce, my aim is to guide my clients toward a renewed energy, helping them thrive in life once again through complete dependence on God.

Restoring hope to the brokenhearted is where my heart finds fulfillment. Through our shared exploration, I assist others in finding clarity amidst confusion and chaos, untangling the threads of truth from the web of lies. Witnessing someone transform into the person God created them to be brings me immense joy. I consider it an honor to share the revelations God has blessed me with, understanding the profound impact they can have on our lives.

Unlike rigid step-by-step programs, healing after abuse or divorce rarely follows a linear path. Each woman carries her own unique circumstances and struggles. Recognizing this, I approach every individual with a tailored approach, understanding that one size does not fit all. Having experienced personal growth and flourishing after narcissistic abuse and divorce, I empathize deeply with the pain and hurt, while demonstrating a life transformed and liberated from the clutches of abuse or the stigma surrounding Christian divorce.

Where you can find me!

Thank you for visiting this page, and I hope you find these services helpful and that they bring your restoration.

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A guide for prepping
your heart to
respond in love


Constant criticism and emotional abuse often trigger us to react in ways that are not Christ-like, casting a shadow onto our own character. But what happens when we take control of our spiritual and emotional health, empowering ourselves to respond with truth in love instead of reacting?